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Our mission is to gather together a diverse group of women in the community who have excelled in their field, profession, or community service; to provide them with an opportunity to become acquainted with each other and to exchange ideas on topics of mutual interest; to encourage intellectual development and to help open new vistas of thought.​


Wednesday Morning Dialogue began 50 years ago! It was launched as Tuesday Morning Dialogue by Kit Cole and her peers and colleagues on December 4, 1973. The name was changed to Wednesday Morning Dialogue in January of 1974. Back in the day, it seemed that there were many men's clubs where professionals could come together as peers, but there was a definite lack of the same opportunities for women. And thus, Wednesday Morning Dialogue was born and has been meeting ever since.


In the words of our Mission Statement, our purpose is: to gather together a diverse group of women in the community who have excelled in their field, profession, or community service; to provide them with an opportunity to become acquainted with each other and to exchange ideas on topics of mutual interest; to encourage intellectual development and to help open new vistas of thought.​


Fifty years later, we are now a diverse group of women who represent everything from:

  • government and nonprofit administrators, to

  • educators and students, to

  • realtors, financial services providers, and various entrepeneurs, to

  • healthcare and technology service providers, to

  • actors and writers, to

  • elected officials, to 

  • a variety of professional and community-service backgrounds, to

  • active retirees,

  • and more!​


We come together to dialogue and to hear amazing speakers talk about everything from master gardening to the initiatives at the Buck Institute, from the historical destruction of Afghanistan to the history of the Miwok culture. We meet from 7:30-9:00 am most months to learn from our invited speakers, to mingle, to network, and to share our successes and interests. We post our past and present speakers on this website.

We're a little bit social, a little bit business, and a lot about camaraderie. Our membership has grown and been sustained by being home-grown; every new member has been invited and sponsored by one of our current members, and each joins Dialogue because she's looking for a group of women she can relate to and learn from. Several of our current members have been with Dialogue for more than 40 years - and we always enjoy welcoming new members!


During the beginnings of COVID-19 in 2020, we added online ZOOM meetings when we could not meet in person. Once we could meet in person again, we kept a ZOOM option and began hybrid meetings. In 2021, we also added a new quarterly member benefit, called "Deeper Dialogue," to provide a more intimate 7:00-8:00 pm evening gathering of members on ZOOM, facilitated by one of our members on various topics of interest.

We are interesting women, and we are interested in others, sharing breakfast and lively conversation on the second Wednesday of most months!

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