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The Role of Fear in Decision-Making

Wednesday, November 13, 2024
7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Creekside Room, Dominican University, San Rafael (+via Zoom)
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"Fear gets a bad rap". 

In truth, it’s a wonderful evolutionary gift that’s greatly misunderstood. Instead of avoiding or trying to conquer our fear, we can form a relationship with it. Why?

Because fear is courage unrealized. Understanding our fears frees us to pursue the life we want.


Most of us don’t realize that fear has much to teach us. What are you afraid of? When does fear drive choices that don’t reflect who you really are?

Imagine the possibilities, if, instead of avoiding fear, you approached it with courage. With fear as your ally, a wide variety of choices becomes possible.

This promises to be a talk you will think of each time you have a difficult decision to make. 


Fear Technician

"I refer to myself as the Fear Technician. Over eight years and thousands of hours of coaching conversations on the topic of fear, I have discovered insights that apply to all of us and can be used to form healthy relationships without fear."


Guryan Tighe



Guryan is an experienced leadership coach, workshop facilitator and communications strategist. She created her company, FOURAGE, because she’s dedicated to helping people shift their relationship with fears to one of allyship. Guryan created a model that helps people understand their fears in order to live with joy and purpose.

She is a recurring speaker at Stanford for the Stockholm School of Economics Executive MBA program (visiting session). Guryan is also a leadership and team development trainer and executive coach at the Dominican University of California's Institute for Leadership Studies through its Office of Executive Education. 

Additionally, she’s a published author, contributing a chapter on Fear as Your Treasure Map and The Importance of Your WHY in The Better Business Book: 100 People, 100 Stories, 100 Business Lessons to Live By (Volume 3 & Volume 4). She’s publishing her first solo book, based on her years of researching fear through conversations and personal coaching of c-level executives and individuals. 

She’s been interviewed by various Podcasts, including Leadership Breakthrough, How to Get the Job, and H.E.R Space. 

Guryan served as the Head of Speaker Development at Jolt, working to reinvent the learning experience, Partner of Speakeasy Strategies, a strategic communication advisory firm where she led influencer relations and messaging & positioning and prior to that, Chief Culture Officer, Highwire PR. She received her coaches and leadership development training from The Coaches Training Institute (CTI).

Join us for a thought-provoking presentation.

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